Pay Bills is one of the main features of GCash and is the reason why many downloads the app. This feature enables them to pay bills without going anywhere. GCash has one of the most extensive in-app billers as it is integrated with third-party bill payment partners. It also has the most number, as they integrate with billers all the time.
Bank apps may also have billers, but you are limited to opening a savings account with them first, which makes it harder for the ordinary Filipino. With digital wallets like GCash, you just need to cash in and pay.
How do I pay a biller in GCash?
From the GCash main page, you need to click on Bills, then select your category from the list. Once inside the category, you can search for your specific biller. Or you can also search for the biller if you know the name.

After you click your biller, you can input your account number, other needed details, and the amount to pay. I recommend you also put it in your email so that you will have a copy emailed to you after you’ve paid.
Take note that GCash doesn’t send SMS for successful bill payments anymore. You can check your Inbox for successful bill payment notifications.

How do I save a biller?
On the Pay Bills page, click on Add biller. This pulls up the All Billers page. You can then add your biller and input your needed information. You can also add your Preferred Biller Name (Nickname) and the Reminder Option (every nth day of the month you prefer).

Once you’ve saved it, it gets added on top of the Pay Bills page. This speeds up paying bills as you only need to add the amount when you want to pay your biller.
How do I pay my biller using the scanner?
Some billers have built-in scanners to help input the number. You just need to click on the small barcode icon on selected billers, then scan the barcode on the bill itself.

Can I use GCredit to pay my bills?
Yes. You can see the “Also accepts GCredit” line under the billers that support it. If the line is missing, then GCredit is either down, or doesn’t support the biller.
Some government, insurance, credit card, and loan company billers are not GCredit supported.

Here are the biller categories that support GCredit:
- Electric Utilities
- Water Utilities
- Cable/Internet
- Telecoms
- Insurance
- Real Estate
- Healthcare
- Schools
- Transportation
- Real Estate
- Payment Solutions
What is GInsure Bill Protect? Can I avail of GInsure Bill Protect for my billers?
GInsure Bill Protect is an insurance product that continues your bill payments when something happens to the bill payer. It is supported by the majority of billers and can be seen as supported billers by the tag in the biller itself.

Other Questions
Why don’t I receive any more SMS messages after paying bills?
You can now check your Inbox and your Transaction History to verify your payment. This arrangement decreases the chances of spammers spoofing GCash messages.

Why can’t I add my biller to the Saved Billers?
Saved Billers are only available for selected billers. Some billers like credit cards cannot be added to Saved Billers currently.
Can I auto-pay billers?
No, however, your saved billers can remind you to pay at a certain time per month.
Can I pay overdue bills?
Yes generally, as long as you pay the full amount as stated in the bill. However, for some billers, there may be a different arrangement. It would be better to confirm with the billing company.
Is GCash posting the bills in real-time?
GCash does its best effort posting in real-time, but some biller partners process the bill in up to 3 business days. Generally, you will see the posting period in the biller itself.
Why is my biller missing from the biller list? It was there the last time I paid.
Most likely the biller service is down for maintenance. GCash removes it from the list temporarily until the maintenance is done to prevent users from having issues with payment.
Are there any transaction fees on top of the bill?
Yes, some billers include a transaction fee. You will be able to see it on the confirmation page. You will also see if the fee is waived in the biller itself.
Do Pay Bills contribute to GScore and GCash Forest?
Yes, Pay Bills contribute to both. You will also see energy points when you pay for billers.
Can I also make donations using Pay Bills?
Yes, many charitable institutions like Bantay Bata, Caritas, Red Cross, Smile Train, and others have billers under the “Others” category.
Can I pay government bills using GCash?
Yes, here are some of the billers supported:
- SSS (via PRN)
- Pag-IBIG
- PSA Helpline
- Some selected LGUs
This is a big help especially since it saves us a trip to the local office most of the time.
Can I also pay for RFID Billers like Autosweep and EasyTrip?
Yes, the posting period is also in real-time.
How do I cancel or refund my bill payment?
You can reach out directly to the biller company once payment has already been done.
What do I do if my bill payment was not posted?
You should verify in your transaction history whether the payment went through. If it did, then most likely the bill payment was successful.
We talked about Pay Bills in GCash and how it works. You can pay different billers which also include government and charitable institutions aside from the usual utilities. You can also use GCredit to pay for some of them, and you can also avail of GInsure Bill Protect to insure your bills payment.
Related Topics
- GCredit and GScore
- GInsure Bill Protect
- How to pay your SSS contributions
- How to pay for your PAG-IBIG MP2 savings
After reading about what GCash is, here are the main GCash features:
Fund Transfers:
Cashing In/Out:
New Services:
Is it possible that we can be directly partner GCash in integrating pay bills?
Yes, but most of the time they course that through third party billers like Bayad Center.
We do not like to or tap to a third party. We would like to directly partner to GCash
Do you have a contact number or email to GCash?
You can try contacting bi***********@my**.xyz for those concerns.
Hi, i pay our meralco bill thru gcash, it said that the payment will be posted in the next 24hrs. Then as i checked this morning our bill is still unpaid. Should i worry about this? Thanks
You can try submitting a ticket today because processing tickets take time due to the quarantine. If it processes later today, then at least you were able to cover all bases.
I just paid Adobe Substriptions tru GCash last night and Adobe Site does not receive any Transactions from Gcash but I already received a confirmation text from gcash that I already bought the subscription, now I am waiting for the said 3 days process and I regret using gcash account for payments. NEVER TRUST ANY 3RD PARTY SHT
Once you’ve received the SMS from GCash that means all of the payment processes on their end pushed through. Perhaps you should check with Adobe on how they received the payment. It takes two to tango.
If i pay my globe lines overdue balance thru gcash does it instantly go to globe system or should i wait 3 days?
It depends. If you paid early in the day, usually within the same day it gets settled. Better pay as early as possible.
What name to enter in “preferred biller name” in Home Credit?
Yan yung nickname niya doon sa saved billers mo. Baka kasi marami kang saved biller na same ang pangalan, para masala mo siya.
If my credit card due date is tomorrow and I pay tonight will it be considered paying on time or still late payment because posting date is after 3 days?
Depends, the posting date is the maximum posting period. But suggest you pay via the bank app itself to be safe.