A Definitive Guide to GCash Jr

GCash Jr is a child-friendly version of GCash and is catered for minors.

GCash was originally meant to serve the underserved, and mainly this included adults as they are the ones that need its services the most. However, we should also not forget the youth as they also need a gateway app to access fintech. The majority age bracket of Philippine demographics is 25 and below and they are also part of the underserved.

What is GCash Jr?

GCash Jr is GCash, but for minors. This is not a separate app but is the same GCash but with some features disabled or downgraded for young people. This is triggered by the date of birth when a user goes through Full Verification. Young people ages 7-17 years old are considered minors.

What features are enabled for GCash Jr?

Here are the features enabled for GCash Jr:

  • Basic Verified
  • Full Verified
    • Send Money
    • Bank Transfer
    • Online Bank Cash-in
    • Domestic Remittance (receiving only)
    • International Remittance (receiving only)
    • GCash Padala
    • GForest
    • GLife
  • Not Available
    • GCash Card
    • AMEX
    • GSave
    • GInvest
    • GScore
    • GGives
    • GInsure
    • Paypal
    • Payoneer

Why are some features not available for minors in GCash Jr?

Some features like GSave, GScore, GCash Cards do not naturally allow minors to use them as the expectation is they still don’t understand how any of them works. But there may be products that cater to minors in future iterations.

What are the benefits of GCash Jr?

GCash Jr has more limitations than the normal GCash app due to the nature of minors being dependent on their parents financially. This also frees up some resources as not all features can be used properly by minors, like financial products and insurance for example.

What are the wallet limits of GCash Jr?

Understandably, since minors are going to use GCash Jr, the limits are also lower:

  • Wallet Size = 50k
  • Monthly Incoming Limit = 10k
  • Monthly Outgoing Limit = 10k
  • Yearly Outgoing Limit = 100k

How do I Verify My Account in GCash Jr as a Minor?

The method of verification is the same but with added requirements. The added requirements will trigger once you enter your date of birth and you are considered a minor.

You will need one of these IDs to proceed with verification:

  • Passport
  • Student ID
  • PhilSys ID

As additional requirements, you will also need to input:

  • Full name of the parent
  • Verified GCash number of the parent
  • Parent selfie with your ID
  • Copy of your birth certificate

Other Questions

What is the main difference with a minor that went through the normal verification process before GCash Jr?

You would be able to use GCash Jr immediately.

Are all minors required to go through the GCash Jr route?

As GCash Jr launches, this new verification method for minors has also become required.

Can parents see and manage child accounts?

No currently.

Are there age restrictions for some GLife mini-apps?

Yes, any booze or gaming-related mini-apps in GLife are restricted.

Does GScore factor into any transactions for minors?

No, GScore activates once you are 21 years old.

Can guardians verify minors instead of parents?

No currently.


GCash Jr is a version of the GCash app catered to minors. Minors are 7-17 years old in age. Once verified and your age falls under the minor category, your GCash app will automatically convert into GCash Jr.

Verification for minors has more requirements than usual since you would need to prove you are a minor (via birth certificate) and also you will need the GCash fully verified parent’s consent to go through verification.

GCash Jr generally has lower wallet limits than a normal account because minors generally do not have incomes and are under their parent’s guidance and supervision.

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