Benefits per Verification Level in GCash

Last Updated: Oct 5, 2022

Here is the list of benefits available per verification level in the app. Currently, there isn’t any semi-verification status anymore; however, there may be some users who are still semi-verified.

It is recommended to become fully verified to be able to enjoy higher limits and other financial services within the app.

Wallet and Transaction Limits

This also covers most of the limits of all cash-in channels, including over-the-counter, machine, online, Paypal, Payoneer, and remittances.

Additionally, the outgoing limit also applies to financial services like GSave, GInvest, and GInsure, as you are putting money into investments and/or insurance.

DetailBasicFully VerifiedFully Verified with
Linked Accounts (GCash Plus)
Fully Verified Minor (GCash Jr)Platinum ( enrolled in a Globe Platinum Plan)
Wallet SizePhp 10,000Php 100,000Php 500,000Php 50,000Php 1,000,000
Daily Incoming LimitN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
Monthly Incoming LimitPhp 5,000Php 100,000Php 500,000Php 10,000Php 1,000,000
Daily Outgoing LimitN/APhp 100,000Php 100,000Php 10,000Php 500,000
Monthly Outgoing LimitPhp 5,000N/AN/APhp 10,000Php 1,000,000
Yearly Outgoing LimitN/AN/AN/APhp 100,000N/A

The linked accounts here pertain to BPI, UnionBank, and Payoneer accounts, with GSave and GInvest placements.

If you encounter GCash limit exceeded errors, you will need to wait for next month for your limits to reset.

Feature List

Semi-verified status has been phased out. There are only two verification statuses now — Basic and Fully Verified.

BasicFully Verified
Offline Cash-inAll Basic Features
Pay BillsSend Money
Buy LoadRequest Money
Pay QRCash Out
Purchase GCash CardAmex Virtual Pay
GlobeOne LinkingLinking a GCash Card
GCash ForestGSave
Transact using GCash Card
ATM Withdrawals
Send to Bank (Instapay)
Online Bank Cash-in
International Remittance
Paypal Cash-in
Payoneer Cash-in
GCash PO
Online Payments