Comparison of Payment Link Services with GCash Acceptance

Here is a table comparing the different payment link services we have for GCash out there.

Name of Payment LinkCharge Taken per Transaction for GCash PaymentsWordPress / Shopify IntegrationAPI IntegrationType of Onboarding
Paymongo2.9%YesYesInformal Sellers, SMEs
Bux.ph2.0% + Php 10YesNoInformal Sellers, SMEs
JazzyPay2.8% + Php 15NoYesSMEs

Take note that all of these services except for Getpaid not only have GCash acceptance, but also credit/debit card, bank deposits, and over-the-counter payment acceptance as well.

Getpaid is GCash only in terms of acceptance but has the lowest percentage taken per transaction. This rate is the same as the normal payments via QR.

Analyzing the data, Paymongo gets the highest percentage per transaction but also has the lowest barrier to entry out of all of the services in the list. It also provides extra integration possibilities via APIs and Shopify/WordPress plugins.

XendIt also has extensive support for a lot of payment options and integrations and has a cheaper rate for e-wallets too. The most likely downside is the onboarding.

In terms of onboarding, most of the services require KYM (know-your-merchant) documents, meaning you need to be registered as a business. All except for Paymongo and They are informal seller-friendly, meaning you can use payment links even if you are not a registered business. also has its standalone shop ( that you can modify without setting up anything.