Oct App Update Changelog

Date sent: Oct 11, 2023

Hello there, 

Hi guys, just wanted to share the changelog for the GCash app this October release. 

1. New products in GInsure
2. Auto-invest in GFunds — you can set an amount and a time so that you don’t need to manually add funds; remember that some funds have a minimum of Php 50 only so this makes it easier to invest and forget
3. GCash Basic Users can now see their monthly outgoing limits
4. Lots of upcoming features that are disabled in the app:
    – GDeals
    – Spend Tracker
5. New Tong-its game under GLife Games
6. GCash Padala revamp
7. GCrypto NFT Hub

Will also be updating some of the related posts in GCashResource soon.

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