Sept App Update Changelog

Date sent: Sept 8, 2023

Hello there, 

Hi guys, just wanted to share the changelog for the GCash app this September release. 

1. Express Send now has tick boxes to confirm sending — this is to lessen wrong send incidents
2. GCash Overseas now has the Pinoy Channel section
3. Revamping of screens in GGives and GLoans pages for easier navigation
4. GFund pages now have 52 weeks of historical data to help inform new investors.
5. Send Money does not send SMS anymore. You can only see your messages in the Inbox within the app.
6. Sakto loans are released, allowing smaller loans (i.e., Php 100-1000) payable in around 2 weeks (more info:…)
7. For GCash Jr users, once you turn 18 you don’t need to reverify as your account will automatically upgrade to GCash.
8. GSave hub has been revamped for an easier experience

Will also be updating the related posts in GCashResource soon.

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